Five Criteria For Choosing A Real Estate Agency

But how do you choose the best real estate agent for your project? There are five main, logical, and immutable criteria.

Choose a real estate agency specializing in your geographic area.A good real estate agent has a general knowledge of the real estate market in France, but he cannot know all the sales made in recent months in each city district. Now, it is this degree of precision that you need.

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Selecting a real estate agent with real expertise in your neighborhood saves time. He immediately knows how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the geographical location of your prospective property. It works whether you are buying or selling! Don’t forget that location is the key element of real estate acquisition!

For example, the real estate agent finds out about urban planning projects in your area to enhance the property shortly. He knows the next metro or train lines that will open, the next bus routes, the quality of schools, and the life of businesses in the area.

From the phase of estimating a property, he can show his experience of the district by proposing comparisons with similar real estate in the adjacent streets.


Select a real estate agent specializing in the type of property sought

Are you looking to sell a studio to students or a luxury philadelphia homes for sale to an international clientele? Without going into an extreme specialization (the specialist in studios, apartments with terraces, etc.), it is good to select a real estate agent with a real knowledge of your type of property if it has specificities.

For example, selling a prestigious property located in a chic district of a big city and presenting particular advantages corresponds to a specific clientele. Such an agency will have a pool of potential customers perfectly suited to your request.

Choosing an agent with access to a sophisticated real estate agent CRM can further enhance their ability to match your unique property with the perfect buyer.

Compare real estate agencies.

After having identified several real estate agencies online or not, you can compare their offers based on objective quantitative and qualitative criteria:


Real estate agency fees vary widely. Online agencies such as IMOP are developing fixed prices, particularly by reducing their costs through the absence of offices, while offering innovative services. Compare the total cost and the associated services, point by point.

Customer reviews and recommendations

Check the internet for customer reviews of agencies and look for recommendations or clients who have dealt with these agencies before. Nothing better than real feedback from real customers.

Transaction volume

Ask each real estate agency the volume of transactions carried out in the last six months and the number of property for sale in philadelphia with the portfolio. For this last point, it is necessary to seek a balance: too many mandates do not encourage you to entrust yours, which will then be lost among the others; conversely, too few mandates do not encourage trust unless it is a deliberate choice by the agent.


How many years has the real estate agent been in business? Pay particular attention to this issue in agency networks that may have been on the premises for several years but whose agents change very often! In the end, it is the experience of the agent in charge of your property that is important, not the agency’s presence in the neighborhood!

Check the existence of the real estate agency.

It is an administrative but essential point. The real estate agent must have a professional card issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). It targets real estate transactions (but can also concern management or the co-ownership trustee).

To obtain it, any real estate agent must meet the conditions set by the Hoguet law relating to his morality, professional attitude, financial guarantee, and professional civil liability.

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